So Casey and I became parents on
February 19
th to a
bouncing baby boy named Brody. Things were very scary towards the end of my pregnancy more so than I even
realized. I went in for a routine visit and was
immediately sent over to the hospital to be induced. Thanks to high blood pressure and sever headaches Brody was 3 weeks early. I was in labor for 8 hours before they decided to deliver him via c-section. Things went well in the delivery room, but when I went back to the recovery room, my blood pressure
bottomed out and I passed out. The rest of the night I was very sick and was unable to keep Brody in the room with us. The next 3 days I was on complete
bed rest and continued to be on heart medication, which made me crazy! Overall, the experience was amazing, but I really wish that my delivery was a little bit more calm.