Tuesday, April 28, 2009
O.K. I'm stressed to max.....
My gosh today was a total disaster with Brody getting his hair cut. I thought I would try a new place because at great clips they did a horrible job last time. So we went to cutting crew and these people were the trashest bunch of people I've ever seen. I mean when your hands smell like a big ash tray then who would blame a kid for screaming. The girl that cut his hair was really nice, but afraid of cutting his hair. She just stood there trying to figure out what to do and so the lady with rotten mouth and smelly fingers tried to hold my poor child's face while the girl was cutting his hair. Needless to say, he was terrified and that made him scream even worse. I told the girl cutting his hair that if rotten mouth would just back off and let me hold him it would be fine. He doesn't like strange people and especially people that look like that. I tell you I'm just about over the hair cuts......
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Gardening with the Watkins
One of many skinned leg's
I love the fact that Brody and I are just alike when it comes to being outside. Give this boy a shovel and I mean a real shovel, not those plastic things and he is content. I just will sit and watch him dig, cover himself in dirt and when he looks at me I just laugh and so does he. I love that he is all boy and is rotten as ever. He is my Shadow and I love having him there. My flowers might not be as pretty and organized as they use to, but my little boy and I did these together and that's all that matters.
Can't wait to see how these turn out
Look at how dirty those little fingers are
So pretty
Brody's Day at the Zoo
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
FYI......Don't leave the lights on in your car when you go in BIG LOTS
Oh geezzz I thought I would run in Big Lots to pick up a few things I needed to organize Brody's room and you guessed it, I left the lights on. It totally wasn't all my fault though, because Casey and Brody sat in the car and a five minute trip turned into an hour, so you would think he would turn the lights off. Anyway, when I came out the car wouldn't start and Casey was pretty ticked off. I called one of my friends at work and he came to the rescue thank God! At the time it wasn't that funny, but now I find it somewhat comical, that just running in Big Lots for a few minutes well....an hour would be so much drama.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Be really quiet Bubba's is napping......NOT
Don't let this sweet face fool you
Running from Momma when I caught him
The Toilet Paper Bandit
I swear this child really makes me laugh! I thought my precious angel had fallen asleep in my room because he was so quiet. When I went in to check on him he was actually ripping the toilet paper in a million little pieces.
Poor Little Bubba's
Crazy post I know, but I just had to show Brody's fat lip he recieved from his little friend Emma. Before I go any further, it was an accident. This is what happens when 2 babes want a book at the same time lol!
Monday, April 6, 2009
I forgot to tell you guys
He has his bottle back! It seems I'm not as strong as I look.....
This is a picture of him relaxing having a snack while I was taking pictures of his sissy and bubby!
Smile it's picture time
It's that time again for our annual picture time in Cades Cove. Wow I thought it was hard with just Ethan, boy was I wrong it's a lot harder with both of them. I was so stressed by the time we were finished that I was actually glad I do x-rays for a living. It's much easier to take pictures of the drunk, drugged, and the crazy patients that we see. I believe I said "Look at my camera", "Don't take your eyes off my camera", "Smile good" a million times. It was all worth it we have some great pictures of my sister and I with our boys!
It's amazing how much your life can change
Today I've just been thinking so much about how my life has changed over the years. I'm the type of person that doesn't like change at all. I could live my life doing the same thing everyday and that would be just fine with me. I often find myself asking why why why and I never seem to find the answer to why my life is changing so much. So much happiness has come in the past couple of years, but also so much hurt and sadness has come my way too! Sometimes the sadness out weighs the good, but I just try to be strong and not let these feelings take over. I don't understand decisions that are being made and I don't think I won't to even try to understand sometimes it's best to sit back and not say anything at all and let things work out on there own. Life is complicated!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
All eyes are on the Watkins Boy
Wow today was a very eventful day starting out bright and early this morning! Brody woke up early as usual and he was in a pretty good mood. Casey decided that Brody and him needed a hair cut and so off we go to great clips. This was the most stressful thing I believe we have ever went through with Brody so far. From the time we walked through the door you would have thought Brody was being tortured. Of coarse Daddy is off getting his hair cut and Momma is left to deal with all the evil looks from the other customers and workers. You would think that we could have picked a better day and time so there wouldn't be that many people. I finally had to just hold him down and tell the women to cut fast. Well let me tell you that's not a good idea and now Brody's hair is a mess. He has gaps all in it and a little rat tail in the back from were she couldn't cut it. I think next time I might try to cut his hair myself!!
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