Glen Napier=Wife Jean, Daughter Deanna, Son Jerome, Daughter April, & Daughter Kim. This was our family not just one child, but 4. Never once did our father make one of us feel less important. My dad would be very disappointed in anyone making one of his kids or wife for that matter feel like they were less important in his life. We each have a special quality of him! We were raised by one of the greatest men that has ever walked this earth. He was our ROCK, our PERSON! He was someones son, brother, uncle, papaw, but most importantly he was Jean's husband and Deanna, Jerome, April, and Kim's dad! Just take a second and think what it would be like to lose your husband. The person you have spent basically your entire life with. The person that was always by your side no matter what was happening. Take a second and think how each of his children felt when we saw our dad take his last breath. When we saw him laying in a casket. When we had something really important that we wanted to share with him and you go to grab the phone only to realize he will not answer. Or when you have cried so much that you just can't cry anymore. When you give birth to his grand babies and it's the happiest day of your life, but he isn't there to share this with you. We all hurt....each and every person that knew my dad misses and grieves for him. You hurt many people with things you write and when you try and use our fathers memory and love to hurt one of his people it really shows your character.