O.K. so yesterday at 8:45 pm Casey and I were on a mission to find the best sippy cup for our picky little monkey! He already has 6 different kinds and now add 6 more to that list. When we got home I let him get all the cups out of the bag and we told him he was such a big boy now and the bottle's were just for little babies. So last night Brody had his last bottle and when I put him to bed I packed up all but one just in case he wouldn't do the sippy cups. WELL.......HE WANT USE ANY OF THE SIPPY CUPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm about to go crazy and broke from buying so many cups!!!!!!!!!!!!! When he was 4 months he loved the sippy cup. He just now has started not to drink from them. What is the problem??? It's really bothering me to think that he is not getting any fluids. Casey says"BE STRONG KIM." I just want him to have something to drink!!! If any of you Momma's have any suggestions please leave me a comment!! I'm desperate and I will try anything!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
My Casey
Brody's 1 year check-up
Yesterday was Brody's one year check-up. The first thing out of the doctors mouth was he is very tall and lanky!!! Considering this is how his daddy is made I took this as a compliment. Brody was very well behaved and had all the nurses under his spell before we left out of the office. I think it's the long eyelashes and those dark dark eyes of his. He got very lucky yesterday because he only had to have one shot this time, due to a shortage of the other vaccine. He will get the other at a later date when it becomes available. We spoke to his doctor about the chance of Brody having Muscular Dystrophy and the doctor seemed certain that Brody doesn't have it. For the first time leaving that doctors office I felt relieved. God has definitely answered my prayers and many others concerning this issue. He said that most kids with MD have a different way of getting around and I know that first hand because of Ethan. He said Brody looks perfect THANK GOD!!!!
We ask him about the temper tantrums and he advised us to start ignoring him when he does this and put him in a room by himself so he can cry it out. We will try this for a while to see how it works, I'll keep you posted because I'm very skeptical about this lol.
Bubba's tantrums
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Who needs to clean when they can play with Bubba's
Brody's Play toys
Loves to dig in Momma's plants!
Playing with dirt
My Angel
The past two days of my life were spent doing the most amazing thing ever!! I'm sure you are wondering what in the world I'm talking about....... I've spent two days just watching my son play outside. It's so cute to see him discover new parts of the world and to watch the excitement through his eyes. He discovered dirt yesterday and yes probably most of you have never thought dirt was a discovery, but to a one year old it's the most amazing thing ever. He runs his little fingers through it, scoops it up in his shovel, throws it on the ground, and I even caught him tasting it! (Don't worry I ate dirt when I was little and I'm just fine) He brought me some dirt yesterday and you could just see the excitement on his face when he gave it to me. I acted like it was the greatest thing ever too!
I love just watching him play. It brings back such good memories for me of my wonderful childhood.
It's fun to be one
Charlie, Tracey, & Miss Emma
Saturday was spent with the Southerland's celebrating Miss Emma's Birthday! It was such a girly party and we had so much fun. Brody was really funny when they started singing to Miss Emma he thought they were singing to him, so he put his face in his Daddy's Chest to hide! So funny my little Bubba's! Happy Birthday Miss Emma!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Baby Jonah!

Just wanted everyone that has been coming to my site to say a little pray today for Jonah and his family! I read her blog everyday and today he has had a bad day. Everyone knows, that when your baby is having a bad day, you also are having a bad day. I just pray that this family will receive a healing and God will help them through this very difficult time in there lives. My heart just aches for his Mother! Although, Ethan is not my son I can relate to her story so much with his situation. Ethan had a surgery 2 years ago and that child was in so much pain that the meds would not even touch! April his Mother and I just felt so helpless and all we could do was just hold our boy! The pain that comes from watching your precious child in so much discomfort is sometimes to much to bare! All we could do was pray for God to help him and that's all the Williams family can do also! I believe one day all of our question's to why was it my child will be answered and peace will come to all that have suffered here on earth. Please say a little pray for Ethan too!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Little messages from above

I'm in total shock right now! I was reading an article out of the Middlesboro Daily News like I do everyday and at the bottom of the article was a section called related articles and my Dad's obituary was on there. It was so strange after 4 years this obituary pops up and it has never ever done that. That was the oddest thing that I believe has ever happen to me. Was it a sign from my dad or something??? I can't help but wonder!!! Thank You Daddy for my little message from above! I miss you too!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
The choices you make
Recently I have been thinking about being a mother and how the choices I make not only affect my own life, but Brody's also. Everyday I struggle with the one question I'm sure every mother struggles with and that is am I doing the very best thing I could do for my child. I decided this morning I needed to have a little time to myself before Casey went into work. I wanted to lay in the tanning bed and the entire time I was in that cancer bed I was thinking "Gosh I hope I don't get cancer from this". When I was a teenager, I would lay 40 minutes at one time. Now that I have Brody I couldn't even lay 20 minutes without getting out and just sitting in the chair. Maybe I'll get a little bit of a tan by sitting close to the tanning bed !
It wasn't until the other day I really realized how much Brody has changed me. I was driving home after grabbing some fast food and a lady was getting onto the interstate. There was just something about her driving that made me mad. I started to drive very fast and pull slightly upon her bumper and then I realized "Wow I have my child in here". Before, I would have cut her off and probably would have used my horn for the wrong reasons it was manufactured for and occasionally I might do something I will not write, but all you that know me can guess. This road rage is something that has been passed down from my father and to be honest in the past I just couldn't control it. Brody has definitely helped me with that little problem.
When it comes to discipline I'm the one that has to do that around here. Brody has his daddy wrapped around his itty bitty finger. Lately, Brody has decided he is in control and he can give Momma spankings when he does something wrong. I use to think I had all the answers to raising this child, but I have hit a little bump in the road. How do you discipline a one year old. He is to young for timeout and he is just to little to spank on the bottom. The temper tantrums have gotten a little worse and I just don't have the right solution on how to punish him. I will be so happy for his check up on Monday and hopefully the doctor can give us some advice on discipline.
In the end, I might not make the best decisions always, but having Brody has definitely made me think twice about my choices in life.
It wasn't until the other day I really realized how much Brody has changed me. I was driving home after grabbing some fast food and a lady was getting onto the interstate. There was just something about her driving that made me mad. I started to drive very fast and pull slightly upon her bumper and then I realized "Wow I have my child in here". Before, I would have cut her off and probably would have used my horn for the wrong reasons it was manufactured for and occasionally I might do something I will not write, but all you that know me can guess. This road rage is something that has been passed down from my father and to be honest in the past I just couldn't control it. Brody has definitely helped me with that little problem.
When it comes to discipline I'm the one that has to do that around here. Brody has his daddy wrapped around his itty bitty finger. Lately, Brody has decided he is in control and he can give Momma spankings when he does something wrong. I use to think I had all the answers to raising this child, but I have hit a little bump in the road. How do you discipline a one year old. He is to young for timeout and he is just to little to spank on the bottom. The temper tantrums have gotten a little worse and I just don't have the right solution on how to punish him. I will be so happy for his check up on Monday and hopefully the doctor can give us some advice on discipline.
In the end, I might not make the best decisions always, but having Brody has definitely made me think twice about my choices in life.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Praying for Jonah
I want everyone that has the time to go to the site at the very bottom of my page that says praying for Jonah. I found this page through another friends blog and I have been addicted to this little boy ever since. I don't want to go into detail about his condition because his mother has done a wonderful job on her blog to explain everything, but he was born with a very rare skin condition. Reading this story about there situation makes you think twice about your own life. I'm so thankful that my Brody was healthy and I can hold my precious son anytime I want . It's funny how things work out in peoples lives, but I do know that every child has a purpose know matter what the condition may be. Please take the time to read this blog it's so touching and it will make you appreciate your life so much more. Got to go for now my Brody just brought me a book to read to him! I Thank God for my precious son and for this time I get to have with him!
Back on Track
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Visit from Cuz Me Me
My cousin Michele came down for a visit with some of her friends and decided to surprise us with a visit also. We met up at the olive garden and had dinner and spent the evening just reminiscing on good ole times! I really wish we lived closer so we could have many more days like this. Thanks Michele for coming to Knoxville!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Back to work I go
Gosh has it been 8 days already???? This week has flown by and now I go back to work tonight. I really dread these weeks, but I am thankful I have a job to go to. Also, the adult conversation is always good too after a week full of baby talk and baby activities. Today started out rough again with Brody waking up at 9:30 and in a really bad mood. Wonder if it's teething or does he have the Kimberly curse of moodiness! Maybe tonight when it's daddy's turn to watch the little Bubba's he will get him back on track with sleeping late. Casey always seems to exhaust the little monkey with his ability to play basketball all night. Who would have thought that a Little Tikes basketball goal would entertain a 30 year old man. He has the perfect team mate because Brody will go and fetch his ball so Casey doesn't even have to move. It's really funny to watch a 30 year old and a 1 year old play ball. Hopefully this week at work will be great and maybe by next week I'll be able to sleep in until noon again.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
I love days like this
I started my day out sluggish and really didn't feel like doing much of nothing. As the day progressed with many and I mean many cokes in my system we decided we would go to the lake beside the house. I had such a good time watching my little man discover sand and just watching him look at all the little kids running around. He really wasn't interested in swinging, he just wanted to look at the other's doing it. It's funny because he wanted to stand right in front of the kids swinging and yes he went limp noodle when I tried to move him away lol! What a fun day I had with my guys!
Brody has spoiled his Momma
Gosh today Brody woke up at 9:30 and my body just wasn't rested enough! He usually lets me sleep until noon, but with this new time change he has started getting up early. I can't wait for his nap today because I'm going to nap with him. You don't realize how important those extra hours of sleep are until you don't get them! OH I NEED SLEEP!!!!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
A Momma Day.... The face says it all...

So it's 12:30 and I'm still in bed. Casey is up cleaning the house and wants me to join in, but why can't I have a Momma Day?? He gets to sleep in and he gets to take naps while I'm up doing the chores! He keeps coming in saying why are you not up yet are you going to stay in bed all day??? My brain needs a mini-vacation, from all the thinking about whats to eat, when Brody had his last poop, singing the silly songs to make him laugh, figuring out why he is crying, saying slow down you might fall, and from just doing the everyday things a Momma and wife does! I swear the list is never ending. I want to just stay in bed today and do nothing and I think that is just what I will do. I hope my household can survive without Momma! To be honest it's not going very well so far!

Thursday, March 5, 2009
Can't wait for summer
Gosh I'm so ready for summer! Today was a wonderful day and Brody and I took advantage of this beautiful day. He is still trying to learn to walk in the grass and is learning very quick that when you run down a hill you get faster and faster. It's really funny how quick they learn different things. I do believe though, I have an outdoors boy on my hands. That is just fine with me considering I spend most of my time outside in the summer. What a day I tell you and we can't wait for more days like these!!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Can't point my peepers away for a second!
Brody is so funny now that he can explore and get into things! Today after I had just refilled his diaper stacker, I walked out of the room just for a second and when I returned he was going to town ripping these diapers out. I just couldn't help but to laugh at him because he was on a mission. He was determined to pull as many out as he possibly could before I caught him. I had to get some pictures and put this on video. When I started recording him, he started shaking his head "NO"! The entire time he is saying NO he is still pulling diapers out! This child is keeping me young!!
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