So it's 12:30 and I'm still in bed. Casey is up cleaning the house and wants me to join in, but why can't I have a Momma Day?? He gets to sleep in and he gets to take naps while I'm up doing the chores! He keeps coming in saying why are you not up yet are you going to stay in bed all day??? My brain needs a mini-vacation, from all the thinking about whats to eat, when Brody had his last poop, singing the silly songs to make him laugh, figuring out why he is crying, saying slow down you might fall, and from just doing the everyday things a Momma and wife does! I swear the list is never ending. I want to just stay in bed today and do nothing and I think that is just what I will do. I hope my household can survive without Momma! To be honest it's not going very well so far!

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