Month four turned out to be a busy month for my little princess. She not only grew 2 teeth on bottom, but she also started rolling over. The doctor was amazed at how active she is and told me that he wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't walking by the time she turned 7 months. I really hope he is wrong about that!!! I'm just not ready for my baby girl to not be a baby anymore!!
We also started solid food and she just loves it! So far she likes them all and just like her brother the fruits are her favorite! It looks like we have another sweet eater on our hands.
Keagan loves her carrots!

She is starting to play with Brody now too! It's so cute watching them interact with each other. Brody sometimes doesn't want his sister touching his stuff though, so I see many fights I will have to break up in my future!! Maybe she will just play with her babies instead of trying to get his race cars!! Right now the race cars seem to be more exciting than her baby dolls.

I'm excited to see what she does next!! She is already up on her knees rocking, so I know she will be crawling very soon!! Brother better watch out because once she starts crawling she will follow him every step he makes!! She loves her BIG BROTHER!!
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