My how time is just passing by so quickly! I feel like it was just yesterday I was waiting to bring her home. She was feisty when I was carrying her and she still is now! She already has so much personality at 11 months old. She is into everything she can get her hands on. She eats anything and everything in sight. She loves her paci and she loves her big brother. Those 2 are inseparable and they are really starting to enjoy each others company now. She loves to be held and she likes to dance!
Keagan eating on a rock
She is tiny for her age! She is at 18 lbs. now and can still wear 6 months clothes! Tall and skinny just like her brother. She is now in her big girl car seat and she yells MOMMA as we are going down the road and when I get out of the car. She likes to throw things just so she can see me pick them up and believe me that little trick is getting old. She is very stubborn and will have the biggest melt down over the smallest thing (JUST LIKE SISSY APRIL).
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