On this day 4 years ago I lost my precious father to cancer. This day has got to be one of the hardest days I have ever endured. The other night I was just lying in bed thinking about this day coming and just dreading it so bad. When I started crying, I immediately started laughing because all these happy memories were coming to me! So for this post I thought I would share some of my greatest memories of my dad with you guys! This post is mainly for my family, so you might not get some of these!!!
1. My dad use to take all of us kid's to Dolly's for lunch in the summer! He would always buy us toys because he never could say "NO". He did this every summer up until Dolly's closed thanks Dad for adding to my sweet tooth and the extra poundage!
2. My dads smile could feel a room and his laughter was to be heard all around! This happen a lot because he was just a kind person and rarely was upset about anything!
3. However, April and I could push his buttons and we did many times! He would always say to us "Act like you have a little education". This statement would make me so mad and I would just want to punch him LOL! That's why he said it though. Also, if we did something that deserved the lecture, you better watch out! Those things could last all night into the next day! Oh what I would give for one of those again!!!
4. My dad had a smell! I sometimes can smell it! All you that knew him will know what smell I'm talking about. I swear when you open that Black Chevy truck door the smell hit you instantly!! It was a good smell LOL!!!
5. My dad always knew the answers and if he didn't well he didn't let on. I would call him almost everyday once I moved away!
6. My dad knew who was coming up the hill before they pulled into the driveway, just by the sound of the car! I was amazed by this when I was little.
7. My dad never got in a hurry! Which absolutely drove me crazy!! I remember when Ethan was born and April was in labor. I came home from school and dad told me that she was in the hospital. I wanted to jump in the car and go then, but he said NO this can last all night and I need a shower!! I WAS ABOUT TO GO CRAZY WAITING!!!
8. Ethan was his little boy! I believe I never seen my dad happier, until he finally had his little boy!! Even though it was just his grandson, he was so proud of him. He would always carry him anytime we had to go in somewhere. HE had to carry him.
9. He loved driving around at night with my Mom. They would drive for hours and just talk and occasionally when my mom would fall asleep he would run in a ditch to wake her LOL!! That use to scare me so bad! I miss these times, I hated them when I was little, but I would give anything for one of those nights back! He also had to have a cup of coffee with cream and a cup of ice from dairy queen! He kept them in business!
10. My dad always thought I talked to loud! Even the day before he passed away he told me I was talking to loud! He also said that I shake my head to much when I talk. This again would make me angry, but now when i do it...It makes me think of him!!
11. My dad took care of us when we were sick! No... not mom because she couldn't handle vomit!! He was the best!
12. My dad always had a white handkerchief in his pocket!!! ALWAYS.... I have one of those and I wouldn't sell this thing for a million dollars...It's priceless!
13. My dad cut his thumb off once and this just upset me so bad I thought he would never be the same! I remember helping him take care of his cut and I was scared to death of it!
14. He always wore a button up shirt with Khaki pants! He also had a black pair of slippers he would slide on in a hurry if someone came to the archery shop.
15. HE HATED TO HAVE HIS FEET TOUCHED! yes I would do this on purpose just to hear him scream LOL LOL!
16. He always had to have a banana Popsicle when he went to bed! He loved those things!!!
17. He also loved sun flower seeds and would make the biggest mess I have ever seen!
18. One thing that my dad never admitted too was that he smoked cigars for years! I would always see those swisher sweets and he would say someone had a baby or they just gave them to him. Well a lot of people must have had babies because this went on for years and none of us had any idea!
19. His kids were his world! He would do anything for us and he did. I just know that i want to be the kind of parent he was to me for Brody! He was an amazing man and Father and I wouldn't trade my memories for anything. I may not have my Father on this earth with me, but I have his memories! I have his smell, I have his laughter and smile, I have his lonnngg lectures all in my heart!
20. I just want to thank my dad for everything! I can smile this day for once in four years because I'm going to remember the happy times!
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