My first Mother's Day with my little man

I was so happy for all the sweet things my guys did for me
I've been thinking a lot today about what I would say on this post. It's almost a feeling that can't be described when you have a child. You long to be close to them when your away. You can't wait for them to take a nap, but the second you lay them down and walk away you miss them and can't wait for the nap to end. There smell, smile, laughter, and even cry is what your world is about. The meaning of life changes in an instant when you hear your child cry for the very first time. My life was not complete before my child, but it took me having him before I realized this. It's the small things that matter now. Who cares if the house is a little dirty because today was spent playing with my son. This time is priceless, it's time I will never have back with him. Each day that goes by he is changing, changing into a little boy, then soon a man. I want to protect him, love him, guide him, and just be a good mom to him. He deserves to have a wonderful life, full of promises.

My second Mother's Day with my little monkey
I was so happy for all the sweet things my guys did for me
I thank God for you, without you I would not be a MOM. This is what I've dreamed about. This is what I was meant to do with my life. The challenges are hard and I might not make all the right decisions, but in the end all I have to give to you is my love, support and strength and to always be the best MOM to you. I love you so very much my sweet sweet son and I will always love you!Your Mom!
This Brown eyed handsome little man is what makes my Mother's Day the best
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