My day usually starts at 7 or 7:30 every morning. I get up and get Keagan a bottle and by the time I get it made which only takes maybe 30 seconds, she is screaming her head off. I change her and then the feeding starts. This sometimes takes about 15-30 minutes.
I put her back to bed and she usually sleeps until 10. By this time Brody is also awake. I put Keagan in the bouncy seat so I can run upstairs and get her brother. Brody usually doesn't want to get out of the crib so I turn his T.V. on, raise his blinds, and turn the lights on. Then we do a diaper change for him and by the time I get done with these things Keagan is once again screaming her head off.
Brody and I run downstairs. He plays with Keagan until I can get a bottle for her. Fix Brody some chocolate milk and pancakes. He feeds himself and I feed Keagan. After her feeding I change her diaper and she plays with Brody.
While Brody keeps her entertained for a few minutes I grab a coke and a handful of granola with blueberries....I know breakfast of champs! I literally inhale the stuff and then my cleaning begins. I usually go around pick up all the dirty dishes, trash, and dirty laundry that has been scattered everywhere from the night before. Then I wash bottles and start to clean my kitchen up.
Around 11:00 or 11:30 Keagan starts to get fussy. Brody is done playing with her and is usually in his room playing. I hold Keagan for a little bit and she starts to get sleepy, so I put her down for a nap.
Brody by this time usually has a dirty diaper, so I change him and he goes back to playing. I continue to clean things up around the house. The washer and dryer are almost always going around here. In between cycles I fold and put away the laundry.
11:30-12 Brody wants a snack and I try to play with him for awhile.
1-2 Fix Brody lunch and most of the time Keagan is up and ready to eat also. She will stay up anywhere from 1-2 hours and then she is ready for a nap again, but before she goes down she will get another diaper change.
I pick the living room up constantly. When Brody goes upstairs to play I try to go behind him and clean the mess he has made downstairs. This can consist of Vacuuming, dusting, and mopping the floor.
4 or 4:30 I give Keagan a bottle and change her diaper. Change Brody's diaper if I can catch him.
5:00 I try to put both kids down for a nap. I will let Brody sleep for 1 1/2 or 2 hours depending on his mood. While they are napping I will finish what cleaning I have to do and then I start on dinner.
6-7:00 When Brody gets up I try to get his dinner for him and get him somewhat fed before Keagan gets up.
7-8 Give Keagan another bottle and after we finish I start bath time.
Bath time can last at least an hour if not longer.
9-9:30 Put Keagan down for the night. Brody stays up usually and waits for his daddy to get home from work. I try to squeeze a bath in for me, but sometimes it's later depending on the night.
10-11:30 Brody is going full force!! He plays with Casey for an hour and typically has something to eat with Casey too. I will try and play with them if I can before he goes to bed.
11:30-12am Get Brody into bed. Casey does this for me most of the time. I will wash bottles and clean up anything that is left out.
12 am Keagan sometimes gets up for a bottle!! If she does then I'm in bed by 12:30 or 1 am.
*These days can vary depending on play dates, grocery trips, and taking care of the lawn. It also depends on if Brody wants to play outside!*
I still do most of this I just fit those things into our day and in 10 days I will be going back to work at the hospital. Hectic will not even describe my days then!!