We just got back from our first vacation as a family of four! Our plans had to be switched up a little because of the oil spill, so instead of Destin we went to Myrtle Beach. That was fine with me just as long as Brody got to play in the sand and see the ocean.
Days even weeks before this trip I was packing trying to get everything organized and make sure I didn't leave anything behind. I have to admit I didn't use a lot of the stuff, but you never know what might happen (I ALWAYS LIKE TO BE PREPARED).
This is our car....I couldn't fit anything else in even if I wanted too!
The first day at the beach Casey and his friend spent the day golfing. Brody, Keagan, and I got up bright and early and made our way to the beach. We spent all day playing in the sand and I even got to lay out for like 10 minutes. It's amazing that in those 10 minutes I ended up getting a horrible sunburn. I actually spent all day applying sunblock to the kids and didn't really think of myself until I felt my skin burning. Which what did I expect...my body hasn't seen sun in ages it seems like. My little beach monkey!
Vacations are definitely not the same now that we have kids. Laying on the beach sleeping and just relaxing has turned into building sandcastles. Instead of just sitting without a care in the world watching the waves roll in, now it's spent yelling "WATCH THE WAVES........ DON'T EAT SAND........... DID YOU POOP YOUR PANTS". I've traded my little umbrella drinks in for capri-sun packs and my tanning lotion in for sunblock! Vacations definitely are not like they use to be......they are better!
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