Tuesday, August 3, 2010

My busy 4 month old brown eyed beauty

Month four turned out to be a busy month for my little princess. She not only grew 2 teeth on bottom, but she also started rolling over. The doctor was amazed at how active she is and told me that he wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't walking by the time she turned 7 months. I really hope he is wrong about that!!! I'm just not ready for my baby girl to not be a baby anymore!!

We also started solid food and she just loves it! So far she likes them all and just like her brother the fruits are her favorite! It looks like we have another sweet eater on our hands.

Keagan loves her carrots!
She is starting to play with Brody now too! It's so cute watching them interact with each other. Brody sometimes doesn't want his sister touching his stuff though, so I see many fights I will have to break up in my future!! Maybe she will just play with her babies instead of trying to get his race cars!! Right now the race cars seem to be more exciting than her baby dolls.
I'm excited to see what she does next!! She is already up on her knees rocking, so I know she will be crawling very soon!! Brother better watch out because once she starts crawling she will follow him every step he makes!! She loves her BIG BROTHER!!

WoW look who is 3 months old now!!

My baby girl is 3 months now and acts more like a 6 month old!! Makes me sad because I just want her to stay little forever. I have went against everything I said I would never do with her. I never had Brody in the bed with me and I tried to give him more playing time, rather than holding him a lot. I just can't seem to put my finger on why things are so different this time, but I think it has a lot to do with her being a girl. She loves snuggles and loves to be held. We relate to each other because we are girls :)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

My first week back......

Well my first week of work is over and done with since coming off of maternity leave. I have to admit that this time was so much harder going back. In the weeks leading up to me returning to work I was thinking to myself how I would deal with working night shift and taking care of two kids with little or no sleep.

My first night back was great! I loved catching up with all of my co-workers and just being out of the house!! Although, I was having a good time I still in the back of my mind was thinking about Brody and Keagan. The next morning I came home and seen were Casey had posted on facebook about how hard it was taking care of two kids. I can tell you this him saying that meant more to me than he will ever know. Just that he acknowledged that it was hard work and not as easy as he thought made me smile.

With Casey being off work Wednesday and Thursday of my week, I was able to come straight home and get a few hours of sleep. So far my body has adjusted pretty good to being up all night. My guilt however, is a different story!!! I have to manage my time when I'm working wisely! On top of all the duties I have here at the house, I need to make sure my kids have all of my attention as well. This wasn't so bad for me when it was just Brody, but now that Keagan is here I want to make sure both of the kids do not feel neglected.

I probably drove everyone crazy with all of the pictures and talking non-stop about my kids. I really missed them so much and I'm sure I will make up for it these eight days! I just hope I don't spoil them too much!!!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

My days are spent......

I think if you looked the word HECTIC up in the dictionary, you would find my picture beside it. It's hard having one kid, a job, a house, and so many other things to keep up with. However, when you add another baby to the mix it really becomes HECTIC!!

My day usually starts at 7 or 7:30 every morning. I get up and get Keagan a bottle and by the time I get it made which only takes maybe 30 seconds, she is screaming her head off. I change her and then the feeding starts. This sometimes takes about 15-30 minutes.

I put her back to bed and she usually sleeps until 10. By this time Brody is also awake. I put Keagan in the bouncy seat so I can run upstairs and get her brother. Brody usually doesn't want to get out of the crib so I turn his T.V. on, raise his blinds, and turn the lights on. Then we do a diaper change for him and by the time I get done with these things Keagan is once again screaming her head off.

Brody and I run downstairs. He plays with Keagan until I can get a bottle for her. Fix Brody some chocolate milk and pancakes. He feeds himself and I feed Keagan. After her feeding I change her diaper and she plays with Brody.

While Brody keeps her entertained for a few minutes I grab a coke and a handful of granola with blueberries....I know breakfast of champs! I literally inhale the stuff and then my cleaning begins. I usually go around pick up all the dirty dishes, trash, and dirty laundry that has been scattered everywhere from the night before. Then I wash bottles and start to clean my kitchen up.

Around 11:00 or 11:30 Keagan starts to get fussy. Brody is done playing with her and is usually in his room playing. I hold Keagan for a little bit and she starts to get sleepy, so I put her down for a nap.

Brody by this time usually has a dirty diaper, so I change him and he goes back to playing. I continue to clean things up around the house. The washer and dryer are almost always going around here. In between cycles I fold and put away the laundry.

11:30-12 Brody wants a snack and I try to play with him for awhile.

1-2 Fix Brody lunch and most of the time Keagan is up and ready to eat also. She will stay up anywhere from 1-2 hours and then she is ready for a nap again, but before she goes down she will get another diaper change.
I pick the living room up constantly. When Brody goes upstairs to play I try to go behind him and clean the mess he has made downstairs. This can consist of Vacuuming, dusting, and mopping the floor.

4 or 4:30 I give Keagan a bottle and change her diaper. Change Brody's diaper if I can catch him.

5:00 I try to put both kids down for a nap. I will let Brody sleep for 1 1/2 or 2 hours depending on his mood. While they are napping I will finish what cleaning I have to do and then I start on dinner.

6-7:00 When Brody gets up I try to get his dinner for him and get him somewhat fed before Keagan gets up.

7-8 Give Keagan another bottle and after we finish I start bath time.
Bath time can last at least an hour if not longer.

9-9:30 Put Keagan down for the night. Brody stays up usually and waits for his daddy to get home from work. I try to squeeze a bath in for me, but sometimes it's later depending on the night.

10-11:30 Brody is going full force!! He plays with Casey for an hour and typically has something to eat with Casey too. I will try and play with them if I can before he goes to bed.

11:30-12am Get Brody into bed. Casey does this for me most of the time. I will wash bottles and clean up anything that is left out.

12 am Keagan sometimes gets up for a bottle!! If she does then I'm in bed by 12:30 or 1 am.

*These days can vary depending on play dates, grocery trips, and taking care of the lawn. It also depends on if Brody wants to play outside!*

I still do most of this I just fit those things into our day and in 10 days I will be going back to work at the hospital. Hectic will not even describe my days then!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Working Momma

So tomorrow my maternity leave will be over and not only will I be taking care of two small kids, I will also be working part time night shift. It's a challenge to say the least, but I enjoy getting to be around adults and getting to spend time with some of my co-workers.

I'm very lucky that Casey and I can work around our schedules, so that our kids do not have to go to daycare. He works longer shifts and overtime so I can work part time. I'm very thankful that I have such a great husband. My shift consist of 5 days...2 of those days I work 8 1/2 hour shifts and then the other 3 I work 10 1/2 hour shifts. I have 8 days off in between weeks, so I'm able to catch up on my sleep and quality time with my kids.

I'm anxious to get back to work and even more anxious to see how Casey adapts to taking care of both babies while I'm away. My week on Casey will be the one doing most of the work for the kids. He has done this before with Brody, but not with Keagan yet!

Monday, May 17, 2010


We just got back from our first vacation as a family of four! Our plans had to be switched up a little because of the oil spill, so instead of Destin we went to Myrtle Beach. That was fine with me just as long as Brody got to play in the sand and see the ocean.

Brody and Keagan in there seats ready for the beach!

Days even weeks before this trip I was packing trying to get everything organized and make sure I didn't leave anything behind. I have to admit I didn't use a lot of the stuff, but you never know what might happen (I ALWAYS LIKE TO BE PREPARED).

This is our car....I couldn't fit anything else in even if I wanted too!

The first day at the beach Casey and his friend spent the day golfing. Brody, Keagan, and I got up bright and early and made our way to the beach. We spent all day playing in the sand and I even got to lay out for like 10 minutes. It's amazing that in those 10 minutes I ended up getting a horrible sunburn. I actually spent all day applying sunblock to the kids and didn't really think of myself until I felt my skin burning. Which what did I body hasn't seen sun in ages it seems like.

My little beach monkey!

Putting the finishing touches on his castle


Brody building sandcastles

Keagan sleeping in her tent!
Vacations are definitely not the same now that we have kids. Laying on the beach sleeping and just relaxing has turned into building sandcastles. Instead of just sitting without a care in the world watching the waves roll in, now it's spent yelling "WATCH THE WAVES........ DON'T EAT SAND........... DID YOU POOP YOUR PANTS". I've traded my little umbrella drinks in for capri-sun packs and my tanning lotion in for sunblock! Vacations definitely are not like they use to be......they are better!

Monday, May 10, 2010

This song says it all

"You're my life's one Miracle,
Everything I've done that's good
And you break my heart with tenderness,
And I confess it's true
I never knew a love like this till you....
You're the reason I was born
Now I finally know for sure
And I'm overwhelmed with happiness
So blessed to hold you close
The one that I love most
With all the future has so much for you in store
Who could ever love you more?

The nearest thing to heaven,
You're my angel from above
Only God creates such perfect looooove

When you smile at me, I cry
And to save your life I'll die
With a romance that is pure heart,
You are my dearest part
Whatever it requires,
I live for your desires
Forget my own, needs will come before
Who could ever love you more?

Well there is nothing you could ever do,
To make me stop, loving you
And every breath I take,
Is always for your sake
You sleep inside my dreams and know for sure
Who could ever love you more?"

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

From the time we started trying to start a family I already loved my future child. I will never forget the first pregnancy test I took and it was negative. I was crushed to see "Not Pregnant". I wanted to be pregnant so bad! Then finally we became pregnant with Brody and it was the best feeling I could ever have. I had this precious little baby growing inside me. He needed me and I needed him just as much. He was going to complete my life. When I met him for the first time and I looked at this precious baby that we had created, I feel in love with him. It's a love that I have never felt before! It's a love that could never ever leave me. I could lose everything in the world, but this love I have for Brody would never be taken from me. Each day I fall more in love with him.

We started trying again for another baby and became pregnant very quick the second time. I again fell in love with my little baby! My little angel already had it's wings when I went to hear the heartbeat. Some might not think that this was even a baby yet, but it was to me. This was my baby from the minute it started growing inside me. I will always love this precious little grain of rice!
My third pregnancy was so easy! I loved it! Casey told everyone I would be pregnant all the time. The truth is I probably would be. I think losing the second baby made me realize not to take anything for granted. Yes I was uncomfortable, but I was pregnant! When I found out I was having a girl, I was so excited! Keagan's birth was amazing and the first time I heard her little cry my heart just melted!

I am a Mother because these 3 precious babies call me "Momma". I always knew I wanted kids, but I never knew it would be like this. I have two babies here on earth that need me and depend on me for everything. I want to be the best Mother for them that I could possibly be. I never want to look back and regret anything!

To my babies...Brody and Keagan,
Momma loves both of you so much. I'm so thankful that I am your Mommy. From the moment I found out you were growing inside me I fell in love with you. You have made my life complete and you have brought me so much joy. I fall more in love with you each minute that passes. I want you to know that you are the best of me! There isn't anything in this world that can compare to the moment that I held you in my arms for the very first time. I want you both to know that I will always be there for you. I will stand by your side through everything!! You both are my little pieces of heaven. You are the reason I can celebrate today...if not for you I would never know what being a "MOTHER" feels like. I love you my sweet babies!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

I'm Back

Yes I know I've not posted a blog since September!! A lot has been going on in the Watkins' family over the past couple of months. Well lets see in February Brody turned 2 and 2 days before that we welcomed our new addition.........Keagan Nicole. Yes you got that right a baby girl. If you recall back in the older post we thought we were having another boy. They were wrong and Casey and I have never been more happier to have this sweet little princess! She is amazing and the bond that her and Brody already have brings tears to my eyes!! I love these babies more than life itself. I can honestly say that I have never loved anyone or anything as much as I love Brody and Keagan.
Keagan Nicole Watkins
5 lbs. 11 0z. 19 in.

Me getting to see my baby girl for the first time

Mommy and Daddy with our baby girl

Brody meeting his sister for the first time